All Art….. Is it Garbage?

What made this particular exhibit at the Palm Springs Art Museum notable was the chuckles it solicited from spectators. Not everyone sees the value in art, always, and sometimes it’s as good as garbage…… can I say that?
What a pile of trash bags are to me, is a reminder that humans discard more than our earth can support. Changing our habits can be difficult, but one thing doesn’t have to be, and that’s changing our trash bags.
Earthsense Can Liners have been widely popular given that they’re manufactured using 75% recycled material, including 10% post-consumer content. In short, that means less overall plastic is deposited into landfills, and that’s a big deal.
To compound this green initiative, Berry Global the maker of Earthsense Commercial, now offers OneEarth® compostable trash can bags. These liners are ideal for composting applications like food, yard, and organic waste materials. Once placed in a municipal or commercial composting environment, decomposition will occur naturally. Cool right?
OK so what do you need to do? Find a matching bag size for your trash cans and then start buying Earthsense (until OneEarth® is available!). Whether you’re a home or a business, there’s a good chance recycled bags are available for your daily disposal (aka trash can). Know which size(s) you need? Great – ask your office supplier or shoot us an email for pricing and where to purchase! Not totally sure? It’s easy to find out. Generally the can capacity is printed on the underside of the bin. If it’s not, grab a measuring tape and match up with this handy guide.
Let’s face it, plastic trash bags are hard to beat. So let’s get the best recycled bag on the market and do a little more for mother earth. Perhaps one day, piles of trash bags will be obsolete. They’ll just be art.